Alternative routes to parenthood- the legal issues

Alternative routes to parenthood- the legal issues

If you are thinking about trying to become a parent with the help of a sperm or egg donor, fertility treatment or surrogacy, you are far from alone. Research suggests that around one in ten births in the UK are the result of donor conception or fertility treatment, and that the number of babies born to surrogates may have doubled over the last few years. These ‘alternative’ routes to parenthood have helped countless people to have children when they might not have been able to otherwise. However, they can also create enormous emotional strain, and the sometimes complex legal implications do not help. So, what do prospective parents need to know about the law?

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3 common challenges in the Early Postnatal Period

3 common challenges in the Early Postnatal Period

The first 3 months (or 4th Trimester) with baby can be a roller coaster ride of experiences and emotions. You are learning to be a parent and baby is learning what the world outside the womb is all about. It is all new and this can lead to numerable challenges. The good news is these challenges are normal and it can be very reassuring to know, you're not the only one experiencing them.

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Reasons to attend good antenatal classes

Reasons to attend good antenatal classes

With the rise in the number of apps, websites, on-line forums, You Tube videos, TV shows, books and magazines all specialising in childbirth, is it still really necessary to attend traditional antenatal classes? You know, where you sign up for a 6 or 8 week course of evening classes, or a couple of weekend sessions, with a group of other pregnant couples due around the same time as you? Surely you can get all the information you need from the above mentioned sources?

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