When is my baby ready for solid foods?

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“When are you starting weaning?”

Often the conversation will start to turn towards introducing your baby to solid foods around baby turning 4 months or so (maybe even earlier!) and you begin to think about what this all means and WHEN do you actually start doing this?

If you trawl through the supermarket shelves and look for answers there, you will get a variety of suggestions: some baby food packets will say from 4 months, others will say from 6 months. And most variations in between.

Historically, the guidance has yo-yo-ed between 4 months and 6 months but now it lies pretty firmly in the ‘from 6 months’ camp. This does not mean to say, that on the day of your baby turning 6 months old, you have to start them on solid foods! It can be a gradual introduction, as for the first few weeks and months of a baby being introduced to solid foods the experience is about texture and fun and NOT about nutrition. Nutrition still comes from the breast milk or formula baby is having and this does not change during those first few weeks and months.

So, when is your baby ready for solid foods?

Any weaning or introduction of solid foods can start when they are 6 months or older AND when baby is showing these 3 signs:

1, baby can sit unaided for a prolonged period of time

2, baby can coordinate eyes, hand and mouth (e.g. can look at something, pick it up and put it to their mouth)

3, baby can swallow


There are a range of other signs that may trick you into thinking baby is ready to eat solid foods. These are:

  • chewing fists

  • wanting extra milk feeds

  • waking up in the night (more than usual)

  • watching you eat

  • grabbing at your food

These behaviours are all normal signs of your baby’s age and stage of learning and development. They are not definite indications that baby is ready for solid food. Stick to the 3 developmental points above from when they are 6 months old as best indicators.

If your baby was born prematurely, (or has any other underlying health concerns) please do consult your GP or paediatric consultant for guidance as you may need to follow other guidelines.

If you would like to know more about introducing your baby to solid foods, Birth Baby Balance runs regular ‘Confident Weaning’ sessions (currently online during the Covid-19 period). Check out the website for more information and booking.