Selfcare and the Too Busy mama

Selfcare and the Too Busy mama

When you are totally and rightly, focused on your baby, other things go by the wayside: showering for example. Having a decent breakfast. The housework. And that is fine every now and then.

But there is a pressure amongst all that, where women feel that it’s NOT fine. That there is a constant stream of expectation filtering through media, conversation and from within, that you must be all things to all people.

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The three trimesters of parenthood

The three trimesters of parenthood

Working with pregnant women and new mums, I am often drawn into discussions on the concerns about lack of sleep and lack of quality evening time with your partner in the first few months post birth. The tiredness that blights your life. How long will it go on? When will we be able to eat supper again together? When will we have a full night’s sleep again? What’s normal? Etc, etc.

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