“I was VERY skeptical about Hypnobirth, but my wife was convinced it was something we would both benefit from. She was 100% correct.
Hypnobirth has completely changed how I think about how my partner is experiencing pregnancy, how she will experience labour and birth and how I can support her throughout the whole journey.
It's a complete educational experience that leaves you feeling empowered. A lot of the exercises help you connect with each other and help you feel prepared for the experience of birth.
Sarah is amazing. She was patient and always had great answers to any of our questions. It was very impressive how the sessions felt calm and well paced, yet were able to cover so much information.
If you are planning on doing NCT, I'd really recommend doing Hypnobirth as well. It goes beyond a lot of what NCT teaches you and provides you with far more skills to navigate the emotions associated with labour and birth.” Andy E, first baby expected August 2024


“We weren't blessed with the home birth scenario we were hoping for, instead ending up on the delivery suite, but it was still a really positive experience. Labour was long and tiring (40 hours from waters breaking and 38 hours of contractions) and there were various decisions to make along the way, but I felt well informed and in control. The hypnobirthing techniques really helped me to keep calm and focused, which was noted by Matt, my Mum and the midwives. Despite opting to have synthetic oxytocin to get over the line, I didn't use any pain relief aside from gas and air, which the midwives couldn't believe. Focusing on my breathing and maintaining a relaxed state really worked wonders!
Thank you for the brilliant classes, they made such a difference ☺️” Harriet R, first baby born July 2024

“I wanted to thank you for the hypnobirthing course, as the thought of elective c section was never on my "dream" birth and without your support on the course I would not have had the skills to be able to process it, keep control of something that we are so vulnerable and out of control on. We used breathing and music throughout the surgery and in the days leading up to it. If you ever need a willing person to talk through how we went from the dream of Chippy natural birth with no medical intervention to an elective c section and walking to theatre in a calm state of understanding and acceptance with any expecting parents I would be more than happy to”. Alex E, first time mum to baby born May 2024 by elective Caesarean, due to breech presentation.


“Given his size (4lb 14oz) and my high risk of pre-eclampsia, the doctors and I agreed that it was safest for my baby to be delivered via planned c-section at 37 weeks. It was a decision made with careful consideration, as it was unlikely he would have had the strength for a natural labour and could have become stressed during the process. This choice, while initially met with some sadness on my part as I had gotten my hopes up for a water birth which felt right for me, but ultimately prioritised my baby's safety over all else and that’s the only thing that matters. It's been quite a journey for me, and you played a huge part in that, from initially trusting doctors more than myself and considering a section out of selfish and flawed logic, to embracing the idea of a natural water birth, only to have circumstances lead us back to a c-section but now for the right reasons, for my baby. 

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you. Your Hypnobirthing classes were incredibly informative, and each session left us feeling empowered and armed with new knowledge. The structure of the course was perfect, offering comprehensive information of every aspect of birth, and giving us shared experiences without overwhelming us. One of the highlights for me was witnessing my husband's engagement and learning throughout the sessions, as he gained insight into the incredible journey of labour and birth and how he could support me during those moments. Seeing how excited and invigorated he was after each session helped ease my anxiety knowing no matter what I would have an amazing, enthusiastic and supportive birth partner. 

Although our birth experience didn't unfold exactly as we had hoped, we still found immense value in the Hypnobirthing techniques, particularly during moments like the epidural and the surgery itself where breathing techniques and visualisations helped massively. Your session on C-sections was especially reassuring, removing any lingering fears and instilling us with confidence to navigate the birth able to advocate for ourselves and with our preferences in mind so we always felt like we had a choice. We ended up having an extremely calm and positive experience with no complications and felt very well looked after by staff at the JR and I know that was because of what you taught us.

Overall, we found the course to be a well-balanced and an invaluable resource on all aspects of birth, not just Hypnobirthing. We've also made lasting friendships with other new parents, which I know we will keep for years to come as our children grow.” Charlie A, first baby born March 2024


“You were amazing, the course was fantastic! It was everything we needed to be reminded of our choices and to help me feel empowered and inspired to do this again. I can’t thank you enough” Victoria, fourth baby born November 2023


“I decided to do the KG Hypnobirthing course because I really wanted to give birth with as little medical intervention as possible but I was very anxious about whether I would be able to cope. And by the end of the course, I had exactly what I wanted and needed, which was confidence in my mental and physical ability to give birth to my baby in whichever way he ended up arriving. I think it gave my husband this confidence too, which made me feel heard and supported about my hopes and fears. Sarah delivered the course with warmth, humour and sensitivity, the content was a perfect balance of hypnobirthing techniques and the more standard antenatal information, the accompanying book (which I was inspired to read every word of!) gave me lot of additional guidance, and we met some lovely other couples who have now become friends. Even though I didn’t end up having the birth I hoped for, I found the KG Hypnobirthing visualisations and philosophies absolutely invaluable in the late stages of pregnancy, throughout the birth experience and in the first overwhelming months of new motherhood. They really helped give me the calm and courage I needed, and I would absolutely recommend the course.” Cassie S, first baby born November 2023

“As the partner of a mum-to-be, I appreciated the open, frank and honest discussion of ideas and approaches related to hypnobirthing. In particular, I appreciated the way Sarah showed how I could be proactively supportive and hands on in helping my wife through her pregnancy and birth and early months as a mum.” Michael S, husband of Cassie.


“I decided to do the hypnobirthing course for my own benefit, as a first time mum, but also for my husband as a first time dad. We both enjoyed attending the weekly classes as it was something we could do together and also meet other couples and make new friends. By the end of the course we both felt more confident, relaxed and informed about birthing our little boy" Loren W, first baby born November 2023


“Prior to your hypnobirthing course I was quite worried about giving birth. I didn’t know what to expect and was very scared, especially about the idea of potentially having to have interventions etc. Although I knew that birth doesn’t always go according to plan, I felt comfortable in the knowledge I had gathered from the course to make informed choices that would benefit both myself and my baby. After taking part in the hypno course I left with a sense of excitement, empowerment and readiness ahead of my birth-I couldn’t wait to go into labour and use everything I had learnt! I do believe that without the course I wouldn’t have been able to get to 6-7cm at home without any pain relief. The course helped me to transform my mindset from one of fear to one of excitement. I was able to believe and trust in my body, all thanks to what I had learnt. Using the hypno techniques I was able to really enjoy my birth and once my baby arrived I felt so empowered and was in awe on what my body had been able to do to bring my baby into the world. I’m so pleased we did the course. I often tell people how much I loved my birth and wish I could relive it (they think I’m mad!) but I do believe it’s all down to the calm mindset I had thanks to hypno when going into labour.” Amy G, first baby born November 2023


“My wife and I did a hypnobirthing course with Sarah and it was SO useful. We learned so much that helped us better understand what was happening during the pregnancy, how to better advocate for ourselves within the NHS, and how to make the birth a more positive experience. Lots of times during appointments and the birth itself the information we learned was directly beneficial. I would highly recommend the course to everyone, especially dads-to-be!” Chris L-F, first baby born September 2023


“Thank you for such a brilliant hypnobirthing course. Your hypobirthing course completely transformed my mindset about pregnancy and labour. As a natural worrier, planner, over-thinker and control freak, hypnobirthing helped me feel in control of my pregnancy and empowered about the birth of my baby. Barny couldn’t believe how relaxed I was throughout the whole pregnancy- something he had never witnessed from me before!!” Annabel B, first baby born May 2023


You tangibly explained how my body was built for labor and provided tools that would support me mentally throughout the process. We felt safe to share where we were feeling uncertain and really appreciated the discussion you facilitated with other couples as it made the class feel personal to our needs. My favourite part though was how confident my partner felt leaving the sessions, knowing how to best support me during birth.” Lucy E, first baby born May 2023


“Your Birth Baby Balance Hypnobirthing course has been so healing for us and we now feel equipped to deal with whatever birth brings in the most positive way, together as a team. What a gift you give to all couples. We are truly very grateful.” Lowri S, second baby due Feb 2023


“We completed Sarah’s hypnobirthing course in the hope of better preparing us for the birth “experience”. The course very much met our expectations and more. When it came to labour we felt educated regarding the process, empowered with being able to make informed decisions during labour and prepared with strategies to create a positive birth environment. Although our birth did not go to “plan” we felt in total control throughout and every decision was made by us with confidence thanks to all we learned with Sarah. I am sure had we not completed her hypnobirthing course we would not have felt as in control / confident during our labour experience. 

We also chose to use Sarah’s Placenta Encapsulation service. Being oblivious to the benefits that this entails we did so to have the option post natally. However, I do feel certain that it played a huge part in feeling steadier in the initial days and weeks post partum.” Lizzie Tilley, baby born December 2022


“I just wanted to send you a message to tell you a bit about the birth of our daughter M and how much we think the course we did helped.
I sit here now feeling proud of the birth, because I felt in control, strong and ready throughout the process, which is something I couldn’t say after my last birth experience. There were certainly challenges along the way, including short staffing and me eventually delivering in triage without a birth pool option, but I didn’t let any of these factors impact upon the preparation I’d done and the headspace I was in.
I credit your approach and the way you personalised your content for us, with helping me to feel ready and capable of having the birth experience I wanted and I delivered M upright with gas and air, fully understanding what my body was doing at each stage.
Thank you so much for your support and for helping me to feel so empowered.
I also shouldn’t ignore that Phil was absolutely amazing throughout - he knew what he needed to do and how to support me. The midwife commented afterwards that she is not used to seeing such amazing teamwork!!” Maria Brown, second baby born September 2022


“After reading about hypnobirthing, we were keen to sign up to Sarah’s classes and have a more positive, natural experience. The classes were small and intimate. Sarah was great at putting us at ease and we really enjoyed the resources that we took away. The knowledge that we gained kept us happy and relaxed throughout labour and I was then intrigued to try out the placenta capsules. I would thoroughly recommend these to anyone considering it and I personally found I had more energy and less hair loss. The whole experience with Sarah was wonderful and I would do it all over again if needed!!” Rio Denyer, first baby born September 2022


“I cannot express enough how much the hypnobirthing helped us at the birth, so I want to thank you for all of your help and guidance. Using hypnobirthing meant that I was able to cope with the entire first stage of labour without coaching from a midwife or pain relief (other than the TENS machine), make lucid and informed decisions about the second stage and cope with the news that I had suffered a 3rd degree tear without causing panic. It means that a birth story that on paper sounds quite traumatic to most people, was actually a really positive experience for me to which I think back fondly.

The course gave me just what I needed. There were a lot of helpful frameworks I could turn to in labour, and by the end of the course I felt as prepared as you can be. I also did an NCT course. I felt much more prepared after the KGH course. The hypnobirthing skills were incredibly helpful in labour. My labour progressed very quickly, and with the hypnobirthing skills and my TENS machine I managed to go through all of it without needing pain relief. I would describe the course as a safe and relaxing place to connect with yourself, your partner and your pregnancy and to learn tools to support your physical and mental wellbeing throughout pregnancy and labour. I 100% recommend it to others” Laurie v D, first baby born April 2022


“I just wanted to say thank you for the hypnobirthing course.  It has been the best investment we have made as a couple in this process.  You’ve made it accessible, easy to understand, flexible to the needs of the group and we always felt so welcome and heard.  We’re looking forward to implementing everything we have learned and are going in to the birth in a really positive and empowered mindset, which is a big shift from where we were. So thank you again, you’re doing really important work” Tracy James, first baby due December 2021


“We have both really enjoyed the Hypnobirthing course and found it incredibly helpful. Neither of us really knew what to expect before signing up but we had both heard good things about hypnobirthing from friends and family (both male and female) and decided to give it a go. We are so pleased that we did because it has completely changed how we are both feeling about birth. It is safe to say that we were, at best, apprehensive about labour and, at worst, absolutely terrified! Our understanding of labour was primarily based on dramatic film scenes and friends who have delighted in telling us the 'real truth' about labour since we have fallen pregnant. We were both feeling that labour was inevitably going to be long, painful and hugely traumatic.

However, the hypnobirthing course has completely changed our approach to labour and has made us realise how natural a process it is and how much of an impact we can have over it. We both feel more knowledgeable about the birth process and the types of decisions we might need to make during labour. We feel more empowered and confident in advocating for the things that are important to us. The course has given us lots of exercises to practice and this has been really helpful for both us. It has given me lots of tools to use during labour itself and this has made me feel reassured, knowing that I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve when the going gets tough and it has really helped Neil to know how he can best support me through labour and what he can actively do to help. Rather than feeling terrified about labour, we are now feeling confident, empowered and, most of all, excited!

In addition, the course has also helped us to make friends with other local couples at a similar stage of the journey and has made us feel part of the wider BBB community. It is great being with a company that offers so many services, both before and after birth, and knowing that we have access to support at all stages of our journey.

We both started hypnobirthing with the misconception that it was based solely on breathing exercises and visualisations. Whilst this is, of course, a big part of the programme, we were surprised how much information there was about pregnancy, labour, birthing options, pain relief etc. We found it fascinating to learn about the different stages of labour, how the baby moves through the birth canal and how I can help to get the baby in the best position for birth. It has been really helpful understanding the different interventions we may need and different decisions we might be faced with. I have not been given any of this information by my midwife and it makes both of us feel a lot more prepared having this knowledge and also having an opportunity to discuss our preferences now, rather than being confronted with them for the first time mid-labour!

The course is the best investment you can make before having a baby! Whilst we know that attending the course doesn't guarantee us a quick, easy or pain-free birth, we believe that all of the tools and techniques we have learnt give us a much higher chance of achieving this than we had before. Even if things don't go to plan, we feel much more knowledgeable about the other options and feel like we are in a good position to make the best decisions for us and to advocate for the things that are important to us. At the very least, the course has taken away the fear and anxiety we were both feeling about labour and has allowed us to enjoy the pregnancy and just feel excited about what's to come. Sarah, we really cannot thank you enough for all your help so far. We hope this testimonial represents how grateful we are and how helpful we have found the course.” Kirsty and Neil Eaton, first baby due August 2021.


“Sarah we did it!!!!! We homebirthed that very night!!!! Waters broke at midnight and he was born at 10am!!! It was magic!! He was a whopping 9lbs 14!!!!! Just been amazing..thank you for everything. Thank you, thank you.” Suzy C-K, first time mum to baby born June 2021.


“Thank you for all your insights, advice and tuition. I am so pleased I trusted my body and had the birth we were hoping for. Am so very lucky.” Rosanne M, first time mum to baby born December 2020.


“Just wanted to say a huge thank for this incredible course. It’s been so insightful and really enjoyable. Michael has also loved being a part of it all and learning about his role (and how important it is). As you know I loved the idea of a home birth but Michael was really worried about what could go wrong and the fact we wouldn’t be at the hospital but from taking your course he’s agreed that a home birth would be perfect for us!! I am really not worried or panicked about the birth/labour as I feel I have the power of knowledge and what to expect... I am actually really excited. Thanks again for everything. You really did do a great job!!!!!” Natasha C, expecting her first baby November 2020.


“Went in for my routine 34 week midwife apt to measure bump... I casually mentioned my pjs were a little wet this morning and she sent me to hospital as she thought my waters had broken. Off I went and the dr. confirmed my waters had broken... Michael was on the first flight back from Aruba (landed 24 hours later). They kept me in to be monitored and was due to go home the next day .... next min I start to get deep cramps (nothing too painful) but they started to get worse, I was deep into my hypnobirthing breathing so it wasn’t something I couldn’t manage. The nurse came round and said “I can see you’re in pain, are you ok?” And I was like “yes I’m good, just deep breathing.... I can handle this...”. She then checked my stats and said “you’re in labour Natasha” and we headed straight down to the labour ward as I could feel pressure. One hour and 17 min later with just gas and air S was born!!!! I can’t thank you enough for everything you taught me as it worked!!! I could have been caught up in the pain, the fact Michael wasn’t going to make it to the birth but instead I focused on what I could control and that was my breathing, remaining calm and delivering my baby... Hypnobirthing rocks!!!! Thanks again so much xx” Natasha C, first time mum to baby born October 2020


”I will be recommending the Birth Baby Balance KGHypnobirthing course to any pregnant ladies I come across! Sarah is so knowledgable and a very engaging teacher so the course is enjoyable and easy to follow. She is a caring person and advocates for women (and partners) making informed decisions that are right for them, to hopefully give them and their baby a positive birth experience. There’s lots of opportunity for discussion in the sessions and no question is too silly to ask! About halfway through the KGH course I started to feel calm and relaxed about labour and birth and not daunted by what lay ahead. The content, the visualisation downloads and the breathing practice I was doing (I never managed enough!) helped me to feel prepared and with more confidence than I expected! It’s such an important job that we have to do as mothers to bring our little ones into the world so I believe it’s hugely important to feel as trained as possible for that. As well as KGH, I also did an NCT course (because that’s what everyone suggests you should do and to help me meet local mums) but I found the labour and birth information in it was nowhere near as thorough or as clear or as interesting as the KGH course. The Birth Baby Balance KGH course is worth every penny of investment to help you feel informed, confident, relaxed and as ready as you can be.” Lucy Jewitt, 1st time mum to Henry, born September 2020.


”Sunday afternoon I had some acupuncture at home for 40 minutes, and 20 minutes later my waters broke while on a walk with my husband and toddler. I was at 40wks +2 days pregnant. I put my toddler to bed and listened to the tracks of hypnobirthing. My husband started getting the birth pool ready and by 12:30 am Monday morning we phoned for a midwife. What an amazing midwife I was blessed to have. She just let me get on with it. Breathing out all those surges and my husband used some nifty acupuncture target points to help with pain release 😊. By 2am I climbed into the pool and 5:10am this little dude was welcomed into the world. I caught him and slowly lifted him out of the water. This was an amazing birth experience. I used the techniques you taught me 3 years ago while on my Pilates ball in the early stages. Staying calm and so relaxed. Both my older children slept through the whole birth 🥳😍😆 waking up in the morning meeting their baby brother. To anyone doubting about hypnobirthing and breathing for labour: it works, it’s incredible and I wish every woman could have a birth experience like I experienced yesterday.” Cindy K, 2nd time mum to Elliott, born September 2020.


“Our little Adélaïde joined us after 24h of labour but a fully natural and straightforward delivery with no complications at the Birthing Centre, going from 4cm to delivery in just over 4hrs. I used all the tricks you taught us and we had a great teamwork set up with Adrian who was my gas & air / feeding / surge dance partner! When I breathed properly, it made such a difference and found the gas&air mouthpiece perfect to help me focus my breathing and I knew that it was only 7 or 8 breaths with the worst at 5&6...if I could focus on that, I could cope. Thank you so much for your coaching, it made a real difference and gave me such a good level of control and the confidence to ask the midwife to do the dilation checks I needed to feel progress was being made, to know what positions I liked and which I didn't and convinced me in the end to have a natural birth. We came home less than 24hrs later, with a healthy and super calm baby, and a stronger relationship with Adrian!” Peggy N, first time mum to Adélaïde, born August 2020


“Labour was very intense and rapid, starting with surges coming every 2 minutes! I have to say that the techniques learned on both your hypnobirthing course and Breathing for Labour sessions really helped keep me centred and gave me an anchor to return to whenever I started feeling overwhelmed by the speed and intensity of the surges. I had my much longed for waterbirth on the Spires which was wonderful.” Catherine W, second time mum to Florence, born May 2020


“Ended up getting to the birth centre at 9am already 8cm dilated after quiet labouring throughout the night, and then went really well with no pain killers at all, even no gas and air, just with hypnobirthing. However, he was wonky, his head was coming out but despite lots of pushing not the rest, so ended up with ambulance ride to the hospital, then spinal block and forceps birth as he was starting to suffer from being very low for a long time, so it all got a bit exciting at the end! Your hypnobirthing course was the main reason we had the most amazing experience, even with a twist at the end, so got to thank you for so much! I wouldn’t have been able to keep calm without all your help.” Lucy H, first time mum to Felix, born April 2020.